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137 Children Born Again

FAMILY FUN DAY - in the Blue Line of South Lebanon

Working with a Lebanese church in Beirut and three churches in the south, we organized an in-country Mission Trip with an all Lebanese team. This is the second time we have done this and are looking forward to many more!

The Blue Line is the area between Lebanon and Israel controlled by the United Nations. For us, we must obtain a special license to enter the area - which is why it is so critical to empower the Lebanese believers with the message and spirit of faith.

Mobilizing the existing Lebanese church is one of the most rewarding things Julie and I have been apart of and I know that it is only because of the faithful support from you that this is possible.

There is something so powerful about sharing the Gospel not just in a person's first language, but within the context of their culture. Personally, we do our best to immerse ourselves into the culture and language here - but our heart is to see the Lebanese church grow in strength to share the message to the millions who have never heard within these borders and beyond.

Seeing all these children stand-up to receive Jesus once again underscores the fact that we are living in the SEASON of HARVEST. A denominational Pastor who we invited to the outreach so that he can follow up with the new families, said with tears, "...we've been in the south for 10 years and had given up hope of seeing something like this..." He went on to share how he and his wife had considered quitting the ministry. Having this Lebanese team of believers come to his area and seeing the way people from his village responded to the Message of Jesus re-energized them and they have made a fresh commitment to the call.

What does Mission Giving do? It makes outreaches like this possible. This outreach wasn't the result of one large gift - but many of you working together allows us to train, mobilize and inspire.

Until All Have Heard!




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