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Monthly Support

For our family to live on the mission field and finance our ministry outreaches, we are believing that 100 people or churches will join with us by giving between $10 and $100 each month. We are currently 50% funded, and expect to be 100% in 2019.

100 People

Project Go: Mission Vehicle II

Current Mission vehicle is a 2010 Toyota Siena Mini-van. It was provided by CLUB1040 partners and has served us well for the past two years, but the Lebanese roads have taken their toll and we need something with 4-wheel drive. A newer vehicle will provide safety and ensure we do not have downtime and unexpected costly repairs.  Our Goal: Not older than 4 years old (2015). 7 seats, 4 wheel drive for $29,500 (plus registration and 1 years Insurance, = $2600). Project Go Matching Funds! Good news! CLUB1040 Partners are providing dollar for dollar matching funds (Up to $10,000) for any donation received before the end of 2019. To Qualify for Matching Funds click the link above or write MATCH IT on your check. 

$29,500 + $2,600

Lebanon Mission House - Annual Rent

Our apartment is the center for our training and Launch Team Meetings, and host home for short term mission teams, this is paid every three months. 

$2,400 every 3 months

Medical Insurance - basic coverage

It is a requirement for us as CLUB1040 missionaries and in order to obtain our residency in Lebanon to have major medical coverage. This coverage not only works in Lebanon but also covers us while in the US.  


GoChurch Beirut Launch Meetings

In building our Launch Team we are hosting a series of home and public space meetings every week. At this time we have not begun receiving regular offerings from attendees and operate them as evangelistic outreaches. Help us as we build our team.     

$1,500 / month

Hattabaugh Family Airfare - 4 economy tickets

One time per year we must leave Lebanon for our visa renewal. This figure pays for our family to fly to the US where we can raise support and attend required conferences.


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