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Strategy, defined as a plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall goal. It seems that many Christians understand that as a goal, God desires all men to come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Tim 2:4); but, few have a plan of action, a strategy, to achieve that goal.

The Apostle Paul had a strategy. He said in Romans 15:20 that his aim was to preach Christ where He was not yet known. Why? Verse 21 of the same chapter says, "...Those who were not told about him will see, and those who have not heard will understand." Paul's plan of action, to preach Christ where He was not known, had a purpose: that those who had not heard would hear. Paul found his purpose in scripture - Isaiah 52:15.

A strategy is not anti-spiritual. We can look into the Word and see strategic action and intentional purpose to achieve God's goal. One of my favorite examples is at the miracle of the loaves and fish. In Luke 9, Jesus multiplied a little boy's lunch and fed a multitude of 5,000 men. Prior to the multiplication, though, Jesus told the disciples to have them sit in groups of 50. That made measuring the miracle easy for everyone.

The Great Commission can seem like an un-climbable mountain - a task that no one can accomplish. Jesus commanded 11 to go and make disciples in all the world. At the end of the first century, there were 357 people for every 1 believer.

For many, the subject of missions is necessary, important ... and someone else's responsibility. Even in churches with a strong emphasis on missions, it is a perpetual need without end. No matter how impossible the task may seem, however, we, the Church, are doing it - we are accomplishing the mission. Today there are only 7 people for every 1 believer.

That means within our generation we can GO to those who have never heard, and preach Christ where He is not yet known. In the world today there are people groups that live beyond barriers, linguistic, social, economic, cultural, religious, etc; and these barriers have prevented the Gospel of Jesus from reaching into these groups.

The video, produced by World Mission provides a wonderful look into the need of the Gospel in unreached people groups. Greg Kelly and World Mission have helped us distribute more than 3,000 solar-powered audio Bibles in the Arabic language. This video is an excellent resource to understand that need and what we, as Christians, can do to accomplish the Great Commission.

Lebanon is home, right now to 8 unreached people groups. The terrible tragedy in Syria drove nearly 10% of the Syrian people across the border into Lebanon. I was speaking recently to a Lebanese minister. He said, "For years it was our dream to evangelize Syria, now God has brought them to us."

For Julie and I, we see the things we are doing in Lebanon as strategic that will have an impact not only in reaching the unreached here in this nation but throughout the Arab world.




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